Types Of Computer | Analog, Digitial and Hybrid Computer
By High Definition - September 18, 2018
Analog Computers:

An analog computer is a computer which is used to process analog data. Analog computers store data in a continuous form of physical quantities and perform calculations with the help of measures. It is quite different from the digital computer, which makes use of symbolic numbers to represent results. Analog computers are excellent for situations which require data to be measured directly without converting into numerals or codes. Analog computers, although available and used in industrial and scientific applications like control systems and aircraft, have been largely replaced by digital computers due to the wide range of complexities involved.
Digital Computers:
computer capable of solving problems by processing information expressed in discrete form. By manipulating combination of binary digits, it can perform mathematical calculation, organised
and analyse data, control industrial and other process and simulate dynamic system such as global such as global weather patterns. such computer are many problem oriented.
Hybrid Computers:

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